Safari is recommended on this device

Safari is recommended
on this device

Chrome is recommended on this device

Chrome is recommended
on this device

Camera not found on this browser

Check if your camera is connected
or try on another browser

Please use portrait mode

Please use portrait mode

Using a mobile browser might cause some performance drops. For the best experience, please use a desktop browser.

Using a mobile browser might cause some performance drops.
For the best experience, please use a desktop browser.

Your device took long time to setup, You may encounter some performance issue. For the best experience, please use desktop browser.

Your device took long time to setup, You may encounter some performance issue
For the best experience, please use desktop browser

Your performance won’t be saved or stored. But, this experienc does require a camera to function.
Permission Error
LipSync has been blocked from using your camera.
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About LipSync
This AI-powered challenge rates how closely your lip syncing matches the song. Using Google’s AI technology, TensorFlow.js detects landmarks on your face using machine learning running in the browser. You’ll need to use your device’s camera but everything is processed on your machine. No facial data will be sent to Google. This experience is optimized for Chrome on your desktop computer.

Donate to ALS research to help find a cure for those suffering from ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis).
Making a difference with AI
LipSync is a fun experiment that uses TensorFlow.js to detect facial movement. You can find out more about the technology behind the magic.

Google Research is also using similar AI technology to help connect people in meaningful ways. Euphonia is a project that adapts on-device speech recognition models to better understand people with ALS and other medical conditions that can cause speech impairments.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a disease that causes the death of neurons controlling voluntary muscles. Every 90 minutes, someone is diagnosed with the disease and someone passes away from it.

ALS is not an incurable disease. It is an underfunded one. Please consider donating to ALS research.
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